There are plenty of details to remember when preparing for an emergency. However, deciding what to pack and what to leave behind can be the most challenging part. Consider the items that are most difficult to replace, like government documents or the things you’ll need should the worst happen to your home.
Check out the items on the checklist below when making your go bag.
Money. While your wallet is easy to pack, there are other financial items to consider. Remember to pack your ATM and credit cards, checkbook (if you have one), safe deposit keys and government travel card.
Medical items. This includes glasses, contacts, medications, a first aid kit and documents. If you have the time, consider scanning your medical records to a secure cloud service. That way, you always have a digital copy.
Personal items. Personal items are where decisions become more complex. To simplify, only consider packing things you need, such as clothing, pet items, cell phone, a small toiletry kit, a blanket and chargers for all your electronics. These items will help you get by until you can return home.
Food and water. Pack a few snacks and don’t forget water. A reusable water bottle can also be useful as you can refill it in many public spaces for free.
Important documents. Replacing government documents is a hassle, so be sure to pack the ones you have, including passports and visas, marriage, birth, adoptions and naturalization certificates, driver’s license or state ID, insurance policies, vehicle registrations and titles, power of attorney or will, school records, pet records and a household affect inventory.
Resource: U.S. Department of State