In the event of a flood, you need to consider the safety of your pets. If you have a farm, you will need to think about your livestock. Here is some information to guide you in preparation for such an event.
Create a list of emergency telephone numbers, including:
Poison control center
Local animal shelter
Animal care and control
Local food-and-wildlife office
Department of Agriculture
Ensure your livestock is prepared before the flood.
Make sure every animal has durable and visible identification.
Ensure that poultry has access to high areas in which to perch, as well as to food and clean water.
Remove barbed wire and consider rerouting permanent fencing so animals can move to high ground in a flood.
Make sure you have containers large enough to water your animals for a week.
Identify alternative water and power sources. A generator with a safely stored supply of fuel may be essential, especially if you have electrical equipment necessary to the wellbeing of your animals.
Secure or remove anything that could float and move about.
Identify routes by which livestock can escape to higher ground and away from floodwaters. In the event of a flood, open farm gates so livestock can reach higher ground.
If water rises, try to drive stock through water free of obstructions. Grazing animals swim well, but the greatest problem for them is fences and other obstacles.
Having supplies and a plan before a flood will give you peace of mind, save precious time and possibly save your pet's life.
Make sure your pet has a durable name tag with your name and phone number.
If floodwater enters your property, place pets upstairs or in cages above water level.
Have a contact number of someone who could look after your pet for the duration of the flood if you have to evacuate.
In the event that you need to evacuate your house, you will need supplies for your pet, such as:
A sturdy crate and/or carrier/cage
A pet first aid kit
A leash and harness or collar
Non-spill bowls
For cats, a litter box and litter
Food and water
Source: Office of Public Works.