Throughout your life, change will be inevitable. Some changes can be positive, while at other times, they can be difficult to embrace. How you approach situations can reduce your stress and anxiety and help you bounce back quicker and stronger.
Recognize the stages
Career changes, growing families, aging or unexpected circumstances can trigger feelings similar to grieving. Sadness, anxiety and even anger are typical emotions you may feel during change. Initially, you may avoid facing it or pretend nothing has happened. You may feel vulnerable and want to regain control or affect the outcome. Whatever you feel, it’s important to acknowledge where you’re at and that there is no right or wrong way to get through change. There are, however, some coping mechanisms that are healthier than others.
Focus on yourself and what you want
It’s hard to avoid being affected by uncertainty, as well as the actions of others. Even when change is unexpected, taking stock and thinking about the future can help you diffuse the intensity of your emotions and reactions. Consider what you can contribute to achieve the best possible outcome. Be sure to nourish your body and soul by eating well, exercising and getting enough sleep.
Stay flexible
Resisting change only makes it more complicated. Being open to adapting helps you avoid some of the stress of transitions. Ask yourself, “What am I going to lose if I don’t change?” and “How can I make this work?” What skills do you have that you can apply to the new situation or environment? You can move forward once you can answer those questions and identify the costs and benefits.
Change your perspective
Perspective is the window through which you view life, situations and other people. Keeping an optimistic viewpoint is possible even during challenging times and can help you move forward. You need to change your emotional and mental inputs to change how you look at things. Find sources of positive influence such as books, blogs and podcasts that help you to see the whole picture and find the good in change.
Build your resiliency
The people that are best able to deal with change in their lives believe in their ability to adapt. Resiliency is about “bouncing back” from life’s challenges and adjusting to situations around you, especially in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or stress. It is a matter of recognizing that your strengths can help you endure and approach life’s challenges head-on. Ultimately, resilience is the ability to overcome challenges in your life while becoming a more powerful individual.